How to Buy a Self Loading Concrete Mixer

Before buying a self-loading concrete mixer, you have to know a few things. Here is a quick guide to the price range, required features, and classifications. Read on to make your choice easier. Also read on for some tips and tricks to ensure you’ll get the best value for your money. When buying your self-loading concrete mixer, make sure to consider the type of work you plan to do with it.

How to Buy a Self Loading Concrete Mixer

China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Price Range of Self Loading Concrete Mixers

The price range for self-loading concrete mixers (бетономешалки с самозагрузкой) varies from one model to another. In general, the price range begins at USD 27,000 for the most basic models. The more advanced versions can be purchased for a bit more, but they are still economical. Compared to their manual counterparts, self-loading mixers are not only convenient but are also efficient. If you are planning to purchase a self-loading concrete mixer, here are a few tips that can help you decide on the price range.

Requirements to Operate

A self loading concrete mixer is a machine that automatically mixes and discharges concrete. It is also known as a drum or pan mixer. The mixing tank is located underneath a water tank that stores the water required for the mixing process. To operate a self-loading concrete mixer (самоходный бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой), the operator must set the timer to the correct measurement and then operate the machine. The water level in the tank should be sufficient to ensure that the machine performs its task effectively.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost

China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost


The self-loading concrete mixer is an efficient piece of equipment that offers a high level of portability. The large body and powerful engine of this device make it easy to move around construction sites. Its easy operation and versatility make it an excellent choice for large and small construction projects. Self-loading concrete mixers are the perfect choice for contractors who need to complete the mixing of concrete on the fly. They do not require human intervention during the process, and can perform several functions simultaneously without the need of a second person. Learn more:


The properties of a concrete produced by a self-loading concrete mixer depend on its mixing time and its constituents’ order. A delayed addition of high-range water reducer admixture (HRWRA) produces a better dispersion of cement and a similar workability. However, no systematic study has assessed the impact of constituent loading on concrete properties. In most cases, operators rely on trial-and-error and their own experience.

Classifications of Aimix Self-Loading Concrete Mixers

There are several models of AIMIX self-loading concrete mix trucks available. They range in capacity from 1.5 to 4 cubic meters, so you can choose one according to the amount of concrete you need to mix. The self-loading mixer is perfect for any construction project ranging from bridges to buildings. You can also use it to build roads, houses, and foundations. Aimix has also received praises for its customer service and reliability.

If you are ready to purchase a self0loading concrete mixer, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.